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AI-based music delivery app SocialMob is bringing music enthusiasts closer across the world

SocialMob, a Kochi-based AI start-up for music delivery, aims to connect individuals at a global level who share similar interests such as music, entertainment, food and travel. SocialMob currently represents over 500 independent artists from around the world accounting for more than 5,000 hours of music.

SocialMob is a combination of various genres of music and an array of interesting articles. With the “AI engine,” the app will present recommendations for users based on their psychology and preference in various genres. Inspired by Jimi Hendrix’s words and armed with the knowledge that music is powerful enough to foster connections and carry them forward, SocialMob is a one of a kind global community where music is the religion.

We spoke to the company’s spokesperson Aghin Johnson, CEO SocialMob (a product of Padath Infotainment Pvt Ltd). Excerpts of the interview below:

1. What was your journey like to get where you are?
It was never an easy journey I admit. A lot of ups and downs but at the end of the day, I and my team had a clear vision where we want to reach and that motivated us to go the distance. My family could not wrap their head around the fact  I left my job to get into a purely technical field which I had no expertise in, being a business student. It made me cautious about each step and made me learn on the go. I still remember my father asking me “Are you sure of this decision?”. As I hail from a business family, the understanding I received was more than I could ask for.  Until 1 and half years I assisted my father in optimising the operational procedures in our family business while I got my first concept prototype ready on the side. But indeed it was my family who was behind my motivation, clubbed of course with God’s grace that helped me to overcome all the hurdles.

2. Tell me how you’ve approached the market?
Since 2012, the entire startup ecosystem has changed drastically. I could foresee how the market will evolve over time by the availability of cheaper internet which will act as the biggest catalyst in the Tech Industry. I remember when people used to ask me who will stream music online?. Moreover, the ample amount of pirated websites which provide music ruined the music industry as well. For me, the approach towards the market is to create a sustainable model in the industry which will change the Music or rather I would generalise it and say the content industry from the roots. As more and more people are looking for better content online and when they understood the real concept we slowly started picking up some tractions. Till date, we haven’t done any high paid promotions apart from few low budgets local campaigns. Word of mouth and the support from media houses helped to spread the word about this small start-up from Kochi; A city which still flies under the radar of VC and Investment exposure.

3. Was there ever a time when you felt overwhelmed and unable to continue? What made you continue? What kept you motivated at your worst moments?
There were plenty of times I felt helpless. In most cases, it was situations which my team and I had no control over. It’s like the Rocky movie dialogue “ it’s not about how hard you can hit, but get hit and still stand up “ well that was even our motto. Recurring roadblocks which are beyond my control at times let me down for a moment, I admit. But never stopped me.
What kept me motivated was more to do with what I want to achieve eventually. I have a very strong and motivated team who shares my vision, which fuels me to keep me going as I know even if slow, we would achieve our goal one day.

4. Why music? Are you a Musician By yourself? How does the concept work?
I am not a musician. I am a music enthusiast at a whole different level. I happened to do some random research on Psychology and stumbled upon the concept of music theory which talks about how music and human brain works. This made me so fascinated to delve deep into understanding the various experiments that were done across the globe. The initial idea was to start a community radio station, let say that was in 2009, but due to the high implementation cost I had to drop the idea, The actual idea conceptualization was a result of foreseeing the impact of  ‘a smartphone’ in forming a community or networking.

The concept works in 2 ways. One to curate content by associating with Independent artists and label houses from around the world by creating a global platform for music and the second was the algorithm which delivers this contents to users and connects with each other based on the similarity of interests purely subjective to the kind of music they listen to. This is for the first time in the world a commercial concept was built based on music theory.

5. What advice would you give to your ten-year younger self, if given an opportunity?
Chase your dream, all that matters is the first step and fear is the only thing that stops you.

6. Any advice to aspiring entrepreneurs in the segment you operate in?
Never give up! 10 years ago, the road looked very vague when I started building the company. But I was very certain on my final goals. At each step, I tried to build a team that also live the same vision and goals. More than building the product building the team is always the key. And identifying the right team who live the vision, determine the success and failure of what you pursue. If you fail it’s not the end it’s just the beginning to something even more greater.

Over the past 5+ years, SocialMob has tied up with more than 600 artists from across the globe and they have loved the concept that SocialMob has brought forward. As a result of that, SocialMob has licenses for 5000+ hours of music from independent artists. This defines SocialMob, the collaboration is a stepping stone for the artists, while for us, it’s a platform that we are providing them, for a larger audience.


Rahul Anand is an Indian Entrepreneur, Blogger, and Author. He was Former Founder and CEO of EduFlick and The IndianPreneur.

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