The IndianPreneur

Let's Work For A Better Tomorrow


Focused On All-Inclusive Development, 23-Year-Old Body-Builder Illuminates Self-Motivation

At the young age of 23, Sunny Sanjay Surana has been fixated on the pathway of procuring a lot. His venture into the body-building arena since the age of 19, has made him acquire a physique that is commendable and inspiring. His journey is awe-inspiring and is quite motivating.

At the age of 19, Sunny possessed a lean, underweight and feeble physique. He commenced active work-out sessions along with his father post his graduation. Progressive workout and hard-work impacted him both mentally and physically. He made noticeable advancement in the time that followed and imbibed the seriousness of physical and mental well being.

With elegance and compassion, Sunny is a jolly,ambitious and generous person. Grasping learnings from his surrounding , he believes in living the present. He is a strong disposition towards promoting the significance of self-motivation. He mentioned that –“Self-motivation is a crucial driving force, and could aid one to procure more and endeavor a lot”.

A charismatic aura, Sunny believes in spreading awareness about physical and mental well-being. He attempts to keep the people around him jubilant. A lovable person, he belives that happiness could be seeked from the most minimal stuff. Aiming to be a successful entrepreneur in the near future, his unparalleled mindset could take him to the transcendental level in no time.

We wish him to remain as exultant and commendable as ever and wish him soaring goodwill for the future.

Asli Saif

Asli Saif is a young enthusiast who loves Entrepreneurship and is always eager to publish articles regarding startups and entrepreneurship. A writer, photographer, and budding entrepreneur. A designer, developer and marketing expert.

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