DHANUSH KUDLA | The Jack-of-all trades!
Heard of Jack-of-all trades in real life?
If not, then get on board because today we are talking about Dhanush Kudla. The 38-year-old man, born in Mangalore. He has spent most of his life travelling. He has been to 12 countries, and 10 different cities of India so far, and wish to be a globetrotting celebrity.
Apart from travelling, he loves modelling, acting, storytelling and writing quatrains(poetry). He is a learning and knowledge consultant by profession. He is very passionate about teaching which is rare and admirable at the same time.
He aims to bring the world a little closer digitally using art and culture as the binding agent. Things he prefers are beaches, summer, tea, and common sense in fellow people. He is a big mythology-bluff, impressive right?
Even after having such a huge radar, he chose to become an angel investor for local ventures. He is a soul that are rare in this world!