The IndianPreneur

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Interview with Nikhil & Satyam | No One Cares

No One Cares started on 30th May 2016, in just 10 days the page got 100k likes and after that their content was so powerful that they started getting 10k likes per day which further went to 100k likes per day. Now the page has 25 Million likes within just 2 years and it’s managed by a team of 20-25 people.
When they hit 5M likes they started their web

1. What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e what’s your source of motivation?
Simple, my audience. One of the things that I have learnt is never to take people for granted. Wherever my team or I am right now is because there are more than 30 million people who love us and our content.

2. Why should people choose your product/services?
Because we are authentic and hard working. Every service we provide, right from our content over various social media sites to our online web services to promotions to what not, we remain authentic. Everyone who is associated with our company knows his/her work and does it with dedication and love. Not every day you come across a platform which provides a plethora of content and that too from every genre, right?

3. What’s your competitive advantage and why can’t it be copied?
I wouldn’t call it a competitive advantage but yes, we do have something that others don’t and that is, an audience comprising of over 30 million people. Trust me, this is something which no one can copy.

4. What risks are you facing?
There are several, to be honest. But the biggest being getting reported by people who don’t like our content or are jealous of our success. There are people who constantly attack our websites and that eventually decreases the traffic and we end up incurring a loss.

5. Have you considered any alliance/partnership?
We have worked in partnership with several organizations over time and we plan to the same in future as well. After all, we are a big family, a family brought together by social media.

6. What are your cash flow projections? When will you break even? How much will you need in investments?
I guess, we have surpassed the break-even point now. And talking about investment; well, that’s the thing about business, right? The more you invest, the more you get. But you also need to consider the risk that comes along with a huge investment.

7. What comes first for you money or emotions?
Emotions, it’s always going to be emotions. As we say, if no one cares, we do, we will. And that itself speaks a lot. You see, money is something which doesn’t stay for long but emotions do. Happiness, sadness, love and whatnot, these things make us what we are, they make me what I am.

8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths? Well, there are many. My team, my audience, faith in myself and everything I do, etc.
Weaknesses, I guess, I would say I’m always scared of losing everything my team and I have built over time. It happened once and that still haunts us.

9. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
I don’t even need to think twice for this. The day we were approached for the promotion of the movie Jolly LLB 2, we realized that finally, we have achieved something and that we can be proud of our work.

10. How do you handle the pressure?
It’s not easy, you see. The bigger your company gets, the more hectic everything becomes. But then, when you love your work, when you know that everything you have done or are doing is exactly what you wanted or want, you don’t feel the pressure much.

11. If you sold your company today, what would be the tone of the conversation? What would you want to gain? What would you want to avoid losing?
Psifiako Media Ltd. is our brainchild and you don’t sell your child, do you? This company is priceless for me and I know my teammates would say the same. I’m not going to sell my company, something I have built from scratch at any cost.

12. What advice would you give to someone starting out?
Don’t give up, don’t listen to others. If you have a dream and you are passionate about it then go for it. Take the road less travelled, fight. I know it won’t be easy but trust me, it will be worth it.

13. Why the name No One Cares?
This is one question I absolutely love answering. When Nikhil and I started this journey we needed a name that would be relatable, that would make feel that this is something that we go through every day. No One Cares but we do is not just a name, it’s the motto we live by.

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