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BallotNow – Next Generation Voting System

In India every other day there is an election going on. Whether it’s Goverment Election, Corporate Voting, University Election, Association voting or Housing Society Voting. Even in today’s digital world, to cast our vote we need to be physically present and the whole process is exhausting, time and money consuming.

More than 100 million people are unable to execute their right to vote only because of the limitations of our voting system.

There is little to no awareness about the voting rights within the people, around 63% of the people take influenced decisions based on intuition or people around them. More than 60% of “Expats” and “Temporary Migrants” does not execute their right to vote due to work, traveling, money and time issues. Being a victim of the same, BallotNow Founder Mr. Aman Rishu understood the limitations of our voting system. With his team, they started looking for solutions.

About Company Shark Tank India Season 1 finalist, is building Next Generation Voting System; a top-notch system that combines intelligence, advanced technologies, configurations, and high-level security to ensure unbiased and transparent voting with a combined vison of Mr. Aman Rishu & Mr. Vishal Rustagi. They named it BallotNow Intelligent Voting System.

BallotNow IVS (Intelligent Voting System) is trying to solve serious issues and challenges associated with voting. The main focused aspects are as follows:
•Physical voting and surveys
•Unsecured online voting and surveys
•Influence decisions with data

While voting, people are influenced by intrusions or others’ opinions and follow similar voting patterns as their friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. This can lead to bad decisions and outcomes for us, our organization, and our country. BallotNow helps people make informed and data-driven decisions while voting.

Unique Insights
BallotNow has remarkable features like a user-friendly interface, real-time solutions to voting problems, intelligent technology, and future scope.

But the core uniqueness of this intelligent voting system is:
•Friendly ecosystem to share opinions
•Systemized approach to collecting information from people
•Market-driven data research to back your decisions.
•Decentralized Platform
•Advance Securities

How does BallotNow IVS work?

In past years BallotNow have successfully done projects with different organizations from different domain such as:
•Voting & Survey for Rotary International; NGOs
•Opinion Poll for Delhi University Student Union Election; JIMS, Delhi
•Indraprastha University
•Survey for Bihar Assembly Election 2020
•Opinion Poll for Punjab Assembly Election 2022
•Opinion Poll for Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election 2022

In the mean time they have been awarded by many esteemed colleges, incubators, award forums, government program, NGOs from all over India, some of them are:
•College/ University- IIT Roorkee, FMS Delhi, Ashoka University,
•Government Program- StartUpIndia,
•Incubators- Inventivpenure, Atal Innovation Center- BIMTECH
•Award Forums- Bharat Innovation League, India 500 Startup Award

BallotNow is a bootstrap startup which means the capital funding is done by the founders themselves. Bootstrap refers to starting a business by investing personal funds, saving, initial sales, and investment from closed one for all the curious minds out there.
Further, It has also successfully bagged the first round of angel investors. Angel investors are high net worth people or private investors who give your company financial aid in exchange for company equity

Team BallotNow believes that to bring a bigger change we all need to participate and try to offer solution for existing problems. We cannot be only dependent on the Government or the Wealthy peoples for brining change.

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