The IndianPreneur

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EntrepreneurshipFounder Interview

Interview with Prithviraj Sawant | The Yagni

I hope this can inspire you to become a successful entrepreneur too! Why is it important to hear the story of a successful entrepreneur?

Having the vision to become an entrepreneur is great. Making it happen is another story!

In that frame, We had the pleasure of interviewing Prithviraj Sawant, founder of The Yagni. The Yagni is one stop destination for timeless premium products.

1. How you started The Yagni. What was your source of motivation?
I have cultivated a passionate interest in fashion photography as a hobby, which has fueled my ambition to establish a thriving career in the fashion industry. Motivated by a deep desire to leave a lasting impact on the world, I have embarked on the journey of creating my own brand. This venture is driven by my unwavering determination to create a remarkable legacy through my innovative and distinctive contributions to the fashion landscape.

I envision a legacy rooted in widespread influence, where my brand becomes synonymous with excellence and pushes the boundaries of artistic expression, paving the way for a new era of fashion.

My vision is to establish an enduring and influential brand that resonates across cultures, transcends boundaries, and forges strong connections with a global audience. With the unwavering determination to create a legacy that inspires and leaves an indelible mark on the world.

2. What is the vision for your clothing brand? What do you hope to achieve with your company? What are your goals for the future?
Despite our country’s rich history as a major exporter of textiles and having a thriving textile industry, the prominence of Italian brands often dominates the global perception of fashion. My vision is to create a world-leading Indian brand that shines all over the world. By elevating Indian textiles and craftsmanship to an esteemed position of prestige, I aspire to revolutionize the fashion landscape and elevate our country’s influence on a global scale.

3. What is your competitive advantage? What makes your clothing brand unique? What sets you apart from other brands?
Our simplicity is what makes us unique. We are committed to creating essential and timeless products that stand the test of time and resonate with our customers. By veering away from the fast fashion phenomenon and embracing a more sustainable approach, The Yagni will prioritize quality and longevity. We believe that fashion should not be disposable, but rather an investment in pieces that endure and are cherished for years to come.

4. What are the biggest challenges you face as a startup? What are the obstacles that you need to overcome in order to be successful?
One of our biggest challenges is overcoming customers’ hesitation to try new brands. While we have been fortunate to have a solid base of repeat customers who appreciate the quality of our products, our main hurdle is initiating that initial conversation and getting customers to take a chance on us.

We know that building brand awareness and gaining new customers takes time and consistency. We want to stay true to our brand values, provide exceptional quality and service, and focus on creating meaningful connections with our audience. With perseverance, we believe we can overcome this challenge and grow our business.

5. What are your goals for the future? Where do you see your startup in five years?
My ultimate goal since day one has been to create an internationally recognized brand that fills every Indian with pride. While creating an internationally renowned brand may take a decade, my goal for the next five years is to establish a prominent clothing brand in India, one that plays a significant role in contributing to the country’s booming economy.

6. How do you plan to build and maintain a strong team?
We are actively seeking a dedicated team of individuals who share our vision and passion. We firmly believe that every person associated with our venture plays a crucial role in achieving our dream. As a testament to our appreciation, we are committed to rewarding our team members for their valuable contributions. We understand that building a successful brand requires a collaborative effort, and we are excited to create an environment that fosters growth, motivation, and a sense of pride in the work we do together.

7. What are your thoughts on the future of the Clothing industry?
The fashion industry is notoriously unpredictable, with trends and acceptability constantly in flux. However, amidst this uncertainty, timeless, high-quality products remain consistently in demand. These items, crafted with exceptional care and style, have an enduring appeal that transcends fleeting trends and even technological advancements.In fact, during an economic recession, the focus on longevity and value becomes even more crucial, making brands that create timeless pieces more likely to survive and thrive in the ever-evolving fashion landscape.

8. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting up.
For individuals embarking on a startup journey, it is important to embrace the reality of potential rejection and failure. It is crucial to understand that setbacks are a natural part of the process, and that it is through persistently trying and failing that one can eventually achieve success. Remaining steadfast and consistent in pursuit of your dream is vital, just as focusing your efforts on a single point can eventually break through even the toughest obstacles. By accepting and embracing the challenges that come your way, and learning from each experience, you can build the resilience and determination needed to navigate the unpredictable startup landscape and ultimately achieve your goals.

9. What are your strengths and weaknesses.
Our team: Our brand’s greatest asset is our loyal team, composed of skilled tailors, masters, designers, photographers, and an experienced marketing and sales team. This collective group of dedicated individuals forms the backbone of our brand, working tirelessly to bring our vision to life. With their unwavering commitment and expertise, we are confident in our ability to succeed.

Senior mentorship & funding: In order to reach our full potential, we need the guidance of a knowledgeable mentor and the necessary funding.

10. What role startup culture in India is set to play in shaping the country’s economy.
The startup culture in India is set to play a significant role in shaping the country’s economy. With a growing number of Indians starting their own ventures, there is immense potential for job creation, innovation, and economic growth. To fully capitalize on this opportunity, it is crucial for the Indian government to invest heavily in startups and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurship. Such investments and support will not only fuel the growth of startups but also contribute to the overall development and acceleration of the Indian economy.

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