The IndianPreneur

Let's Work For A Better Tomorrow

FEATUREDStart Up Story

Interview with Vamsi Krishna Yadav | Saffro Studios & APROS.

I hope this can inspire you to become a successful entrepreneur too! Why is it important to hear the story of a successful entrepreneur?

Having the vision to become an entrepreneur is great. Making it happen is another story!

In that frame, I had the pleasure to interview Vamsi Krishna Yadav, co-founder & CEO of Saffro Studios and APROS.

1. What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e what’s your source of motivation?
My entire source of motivation comes from a book “WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU DIE” written by Robin Sharma. I will like to quote one line that pushes me away from my cosy bed in the morning  “When you were born, You cried and the world rejoiced”. Live your life in such a way that when you die, you rejoice and the world would cry for you. This statement might be slightly different from the actual statement in the book but it had a great impact on my life. At the end of the day, it all depends on how many lives you have impacted in a positive way.

2. Why should people choose your product/services? is an organic product based B2B2C portal. It is an untold fact that maximum percentage of the food that we are consuming now is adulterated and we as Indians have lost our roots in the native and natural method of harvesting fruits and vegetables whereas we are getting used to the corporate food world.
We have taken an initiative to recreate an Eco-friendly and healthy atmosphere for both the people and the world itself by providing renewable energy services, rainwater harvesting etc.

We are working with a goal to gather all the organic users through our mobile app and grow the number of people who use organic goods and we have many other services which we are unable to reveal because of the project is still in a testing stage (beta version).

3. What’s your competitive advantage and why can’t it be copied?
Our main competitive advantage is the use of technologies like RPA, AI in providing the best service to the users and the marketing strategy. And what I personally feel is that there is nothing that can’t be replicated by our competitors when it comes to technology but it all depends on how we take it forward in framing strategies, marketing and branding. Just because Fab Hotels is there Oyo didn’t shut down the operations.

4. What risks are you facing?
We are facing the same risk that the majority of the startups face “FUNDS”.

5. Have you considered any alliance/partnership?
I feel that collaborations and alliances play a major role in developing business and expanding it. We have collaborated with many organisations.

6. What are your cash flow projections? When will you break even? How much will you need in investments?
Our cash flow projects, for now, is basically training students. We would like to raise a fund of 2cr in some time but right now we have decided to continue running as a bootstrapped startup.

7. What comes first money or emotions?
It depends on the situation but Emotions mostly.

8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Family is my strength.

9. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
I have received awards many times from State and Central Government for entrepreneurship. The biggest accomplishment is winning the race with millions of sperms and being born as a human.

10. How do you handle the pressure?
Best way to handle pressure is to do exercise according to me. It will give you a lot of relaxation and the energy to work for the whole day.

11. If you sold your company today, what would be the tone of the conversation? What would you want to gain? What would you want to avoid losing?
I will never sell my company. It’s my company and I have a certain emotion and dream associated with it.

12. What advice would you give to someone starting out?
Take a calculated risk and jump in the pool of entrepreneurship. Don’t just think about starting out from outside, it will only scare you.

13. How was the feeling to be a drop out of the college?
I always believed that a sheet of paper is not enough to prove my knowledge. Your knowledge will make you a successful entrepreneur, not a college degree.


Rahul Anand is an Indian Entrepreneur, Blogger, and Author. He was Former Founder and CEO of EduFlick and The IndianPreneur.

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