The IndianPreneur

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Meet 19 Year Old Yatendra Kaushik | PhoneDalal

I hope this can inspire you to become a successful entrepreneur too! Why is it important to hear the story of a successful entrepreneur?

Having the vision to become an entrepreneur is great. Making it happen is another story!

In that frame, I had the pleasure to interview Yatendra Kaushik, founder of PhoneDalal. PhoneDalal guides you in buying a perfect smartphone that suits your needs. It helps you to get the best available deal online.

1. What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e what’s your source of motivation?
“What gets me up in the morning is the notion that every day is a brand new day to grow. I’m one who loves to beat my personal records. Especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. Being able to wake up, challenge me and see the rewards of succeeding is extremely gratifying. More so than any monetary exchange.”

2. Why should people choose your product/services?
“Anybody who is thinking to buy a brand new Smartphone should visit because we provide unbiased reviews and ratings by our tech-savvy and expert reviewers and get you the best available deal online. Not only this, but we also post interesting stories and news of the tech world in just five major highlights along with audio thus saving the time of the reader.”

3. What’s your competitive advantage and why can’t it be copied?
“Our competitive advantage is the fact that our user interface is extremely user-friendly. We have some unique & interesting features like you can track the prices, price history and compare smartphones. Our website also shows the biggest price drops on major and trending smartphones. We provide real-time statics for the products listed on our website. Even our textual statics are dynamic in nature and change in real-time. Our UI is super clean and user-friendly and we don’t put any kind of advertisement on our website to give the user an hassle-free experience. I think that’s our biggest competitive advantage.

4. What risks are you facing?
No such risks but we face many challenges every day and at the end of the day, those challenges help us to become better than before.

5. Have you considered any alliance/partnership?
Yes, we are in talks with some other tech publication platforms for amazing partnerships.

6. What are your cash flow projections? When will you break even? How much will you need in investments?
With God’s grace, we have good investors who are backing us and PhoneDalal will reach its break-even point by the Q1 of 2020.

7. What comes first for you, money or emotions?
Both are important either for business or personal life. So, I try to keep a good balance in giving importance to both.

8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Support of my family and friends and efforts of my team are some of the things which I consider my strengths. My emotions are usually my weakness, but they are my strength while executing my idea.

9. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
What I’ve accomplished so far is the thing that I’ve learnt how to deal with ‘founder fatigue’ because ‘founder fatigue’ is something which could prove the worst nightmare for you and your startup.

10. How do you handle the pressure?
Best way to handle pressure is to release it. My ways to release the pressure are: I write poetry whenever I feel tense, chat with near and dear ones, read biographies of great founders etc.

11. If you sold your company today, what would be the tone of the conversation? What would you want to gain? What would you want to avoid losing?
I don’t have any plan to sell my company because I have put my heart and soul in establishing it. I have a certain vision for PhoneDalal and won’t stop till I achieve it.

12. What advice would you give to someone starting out?
Prepare yourself ruthlessly at the mental level and keep your vision clear.

13. What’s the one question you were expecting most and I haven’t asked you?
I don’t expect because expectations lead to disappointments. 🙂

“Smartphone industry in India has 40%-45% online market cap and it is increasing day by day with the number of growing internet users in India. So, there’s a need for a tech portal which could help new smartphone buyers to choose a correct Smartphone for themselves without any hassle. With this vision, we have started”- Yatendra Kaushik

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Rahul Anand is an Indian Entrepreneur, Blogger, and Author. He was Former Founder and CEO of EduFlick and The IndianPreneur.

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