The IndianPreneur

Let's Work For A Better Tomorrow


Interview with Joy Bandyopadhyay | Foundari

I hope this can inspire you to become a successful entrepreneur too! Why is it important to hear the story of a successful entrepreneur?

Having the vision to become an entrepreneur is great. Making it happen is another story!

In that frame, I had the pleasure to interview Joy Bandyopadhyay, founder of Foundari. Foundari is an online Practice and Connection platform where students starting from elementary to higher secondary education get the scope to improve their learning skill. Foundari is a team of proficient members who are dedicated to improving their website so that students can get the best experience of learning. Foundari’s professional yet entertaining methods ensure learning becomes easy and fun thereby eliminating the needs of taking costly tutors. Foundari is an online platform, so it is accessible to students residing in the remotest part of the country. Foundari aims to cater to the needs of every student who believes in living the dreams.

Foundari platform has more than 1 lakh MCQs and conducts the 30+ mock test in a year which gives their users especially the students to evaluate themselves. Foundari believes in easy access to knowledge. Along with a talented team, Foundari has included some of the exciting features that aim to improve the knowledge base of students.

1. What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e what’s your source of motivation?
My subconscious mind always pokes me to give a new shape to the Indian education system. That’s my biggest motivation moreover I always preferred working selflessly for the betterment of the society and my start-up plays a huge role in fulfilling my dreams. By the way, you can (now that I know the concept of the entrepreneur) call me a social entrepreneur.

2. Why should people choose your product/services?
The first element that a customer keeps in mind while opting for goods or service is accessibility. Our platform is easily accessible and the price is quite affordable to quench the thrust of knowledge. At Foundari we have a huge collection of content and practice papers. Moreover, we provide free education for economically weaker sections.

3. Have you considered any alliance/partnership?
Partnership always gives a new edge to any intuition being a newbie we are blessed to be associated with Think Again Lab, Bookiecart, PCS Global Pvt Ltd, Kolkata Venture, Business Unplugged and an educational institute in the coal capital of West Bengal.

4. What are your cash flow projections? When will you break even? How much will you need in investments?
Foundari is a unique business model in itself and we look forward to standing strong in the business in the next 2.5 years. We follow the Bootstrapped and Lean Start-up methodology. Although as per our need we require 32 lakh as an angel investment.

5. What comes first for you money or emotions?
Neither of the options will I choose for me it’s the service and value proposition.

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Talking of strength Foundari is unique in its own way, it was more than 20 execution functions and NVP. It’s pocket-friendly and easy to use the customers can very easily relate to its features. As per weakness is a concern I can’t detect any other than it being a Novato but we must always remember “a child today is a leader tomorrow”.

7. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
The best day is yet to come and I am eagerly looking forward to it.

8. How do you handle the pressure?
Working in Foundari is a joyous experience I don’t feel any pressure because we love the work which we perform. We don’t believe in “I will give my best” rather we have more faith in “whatever it takes”.

9. If you sold your company today, what would be the tone of the conversation? What would you want to gain? What would you want to avoid losing?
I have a fantastic team which works day in and out to make Foundari stand onto the zenith.

10. What advice would you give to someone starting out?
I have always believed that hustle is your only friend the more you get involved in a work the more you perform better. Maximum people are the hub of the idea but the execution of the idea makes all the difference. In this context, I would love to quote Abraham Lincoln “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”

11. Why did you choose the concept of Foundari as a start-up plan”
When I was in due to lack practice I could never score good marks I always wanted a platform to practice which was not provided then, so I took up the initiative to make a practice platform for the future generation. And we all know “practise makes a man perfect”.

Important Link

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Rahul Anand is an Indian Entrepreneur, Blogger, and Author. He was Former Founder and CEO of EduFlick and The IndianPreneur.

One thought on “Interview with Joy Bandyopadhyay | Foundari

  • Glad to see the success of foundari. A small step but an effective.


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