The IndianPreneur

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FEATUREDStart Up Story

Meet Actor Turned Entrepreneur Parul Gulati | Nish Hair

I hope this can inspire you to become a successful entrepreneur too! Why is it important to hear the story of a successful actor turned entrepreneur?

Having the vision to become an entrepreneur is great. Making it happen is another story!

In that frame, I had the pleasure to interview Parul Gulati, CEO of Nish Hair, Parul is an actor by profession and she started Nish Hair along with her mother.

1. What gets you out of bed in the morning i.e what’s your source of motivation?

Wow that’s an amazing questions I guess it is still in a developing stage I get very excited to reply to all the clients on social media with all sorts of questions as people are still not used to buying Hair Extensions online , and I love every bit of explaining everything about my products to my clients first hand.

2. Why should people choose your product/services?

It is very unique we have no one doing only hair extensions that too DIY you don’t have to visit the salon to figure how you should be wearing hair extensions and the personal touch, you would never feel that you are buying something online because we make sure that they are interacting with a human not and a machine that is just fulfilling orders.

nish hair

3. What’s your competitive advantage and why can’t it be copied?

Because I am running it myself, we can have anyone with more money come in anytime and create more products but we are talking about quality since I am making each piece myself and designing how it can be personalized for every client and not just a formula that will work for everyone but that doesn’t satisfy each client and to understand you have got. Visit Nish Hair Insta handle for more details. As hair extensions are still a very new concept.

4. What risks are you facing?

I guess because this is not my only source of income I am not doing it for the money part of it , I am doing this to reach out to more people and because I don’t fear anyone or anything that is keeping me going hence a risk for somebody else would just be a fun hurdle for me , but I wouldn’t deny if Instagram shuts down then I will have to work really hard for it .

5. Have you considered any alliance/partnership?

I did initially thought of partnering up with a few salons but very soon I realized that is not the market for me, one might get a sale or on ground promotion but somehow it isn’t for my brand. For the next few years, I would want to go solo.

6. What are your cash flow projections? When will you break even? How much will you need in investments?

My returns are amazing I might be the only woman running a startup who is so happy , I invest all my actor money into my business and if I say in business terms I am churning out 30 to 40% each month for past 3-4 months as that’s when it started picking up, I broke even too last year now I am only counting profits but do remember I am doing minimum sales and for that it is great.

7. What comes first for you, money or emotions?

None actually you can’t do a business either being affected by just the money or the emotions, I didn’t go to any business school but what I have learnt is , it is your will to do it and your passion , you can’t let anything else overpower you because without realizing you will be running after things you can’t control.

8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Strength for sure that I am making my own product and it is UNIQUE  and weakness would be lack of marketing because it’s so unique it has to reach out to maximum no. of people but being a startup I can’t shell out a big amount for marketing.

9. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

Well I would let you go through Google Reviews when clients in real time let you know what they feel about your brand, whatever said and done it is a new brand and when I see women with no hair putting on my pieces and going “God didn’t give me hair but you did” just makes realize I am on a right one and these were literal words of a client.

10. How do you handle the pressure?

I just learn one thing recently bite more than you can chew and then just chew because you have got to realize what is your distraction and keep them away and then just work with blinders on.

11. If you sold your company today, what would be the tone of the conversation? What would you want to gain? What would you want to avoid losing?

I don’t think I will ever sell my company, there is no chance of it.

12. What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Be smart don’t follow the rules written in the book go and try out what is it that people want now, most of the great business books were written before the social media evolution happen now you can see first hand what people want and what they like , people know better in today’s post JIO period and be consistent you might not see results instantly but once you will start seeing it you won’t know how to stop.

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One thought on “Meet Actor Turned Entrepreneur Parul Gulati | Nish Hair

  • I need to talk to Parul.who cn mke it possible?


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